Post Jobs

Since 2004, we have helped hundreds of charter schools across the country attract and hire highly talented and qualified teachers, school leaders and non-instructional professionals. See why highly successful charter school networks like Uncommon Schools, Ascend, Harlem Children's Zonce Promise Academy, and hundreds of independent charters have used Charter School Jobs to find the best candidates.

Annual Job Posting Plans

Our annual job posting plans offer charter school employers the best value for posting your job opportunities on Each plan includes:

  • Dedicated "slots" on our job board for the entire 365 days of the membership - re-post your jobs or post new ones into your slots every 30 days and they go back to the top of job board just like a new individually purchased posting for a full year
  • Access to our active candidate resume database
  • A discount of up to 20% on employer tables at Charter School Jobs, Inc. career fairs

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Individually Purchased Job Postings

If you prefer to purchase individual job postings, use the button below. In most cases our Annual Memberships described above are more cost-effective than purchasing individual job postings.

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If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected] or call (888) 627-6501.