New Jersey
- American Sign Language
- Arabic
- Art
- Associate School Library Media Specialist
- Bilingual / Bicultural Education
- Biological Science
- Blind or Visually Impaired
- Chemistry
- Chinese
- Cooperative Education Coordinator
- Cooperative Education Coordinator / Hazardous Occupations
- Dance
- Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Oral / Aural Communication
- Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Sign Language Communication
- Director of School Counseling Services
- Driver Education
- Earth Science
- Educational Interpreter: -Cued Speech Transliteration
- Educational Interpreter: -Sign Language Interpreting
- Educational Interpreter:-Oral Interpreting
- Elementary School Teacher in Grades K - 6
- English
- English as a Second Language
- Family and Consumer Sciences
- Family and Consumer Sciences: Apparel, Textiles, and Interiors
- Family and Consumer Sciences: Child and Family Development
- Family and Consumer Sciences: Foods / Nutrition and Food Science
- French
- German
- Greek
- Health and Physical Education
- Health Education
- Hebrew
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Latin
- Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant
- Mathematics
- Middle School Language Arts/ Literacy Specialization in Grades 5 - 8
- Middle School Mathematics in Grades 5 - 8
- Middle School Science in Grades 5 - 8
- Middle School Social Studies in Grades 5 - 8
- Middle School World Language/ American Sign Language in Grades 5 - 8
- Middle School World Language/ Arabic in Grades 5 - 8
- Middle School World Language/ Chinese in Grades 5 - 8
- Middle School World Language/ French in Grades 5 - 8
- Middle School World Language/ German in Grades 5 - 8
- Middle School World Language/ Greek in Grades 5 - 8
- Middle School World Language/ Hebrew in Grades 5 - 8
- Middle School World Language/ Italian in Grades 5 - 8
- Middle School World Language/ Japanese in Grades 5 - 8
- Middle School World Language/ Korean in Grades 5 - 8
- Middle School World Language/ Latin in Grades 5 - 8
- Middle School World Language/ Other World Languages in Grades 5 - 8
- Middle School World Language/ Polish in Grades 5 - 8
- Middle School World Language/ Portuguese in Grades 5 - 8
- Middle School World Language/ Russian in Grades 5 - 8
- Middle School World Language/ Spanish in Grades 5 - 8
- Military Science
- Music
- Other Foreign Languages
- Physical Education
- Physical Science
- Physics
- Portuguese
- Preschool through Grade 3
- Principal
- Psychology
- Reading
- Reading Specialist
- Russian
- School Administrator
- School Athletic Trainer
- School Business Administrator
- School Counselor
- School Library Media Specialist
- School Nurse
- School Nurse / Non - Instructional
- School Occupational Therapist
- School Physical Therapist
- School Psychologist
- School Social Worker
- Social Studies
- Spanish
- Speech - Language Specialist
- Speech Arts and Dramatics
- Speech Language Specialist Equivalency
- Student Assistance Coordinator
- Students with Disabilities
- Supervisor
- Swimming and Water Safety Instructor
- Teacher of Agriculture
- Teacher of Supplemental Instruction in Reading and Mathematics, Grades K-8
- Technology Education
- Theater
New York
- Agriculture(all grades)
- American Sign Language Extension
- Bilingual Education Extension
- Biology 5 - 6 Extension
- Biology 7 - 9 Extension
- Biology(grades 5 - 9)
- Biology(grades 7 - 12)
- Blind and Visually Impaired(all grades)
- Business and Marketing(all grades)
- Chemistry 5 - 6 Extension
- Chemistry 7 - 9 Extension
- Chemistry(grades 5 - 9)
- Chemistry(grades 7 - 12)
- Childhood Education(grades 1 - 6)
- Coordinator of Work - Based Learning Programs for Career Development Extension
- Coordinator of Work-Based Learning Programs for Career Awareness Extension
- Dance(all grades)
- Deaf and Hard of Hearing(all grades)
- Early Childhood Education(birth - grade 2)
- Earth Science 5 - 6 Extension
- Earth Science 7 - 9 Extension
- Earth Science(grades 5 - 9)
- Earth Science(grades 7 - 12)
- Educational Technology Specialist(all grades)
- English 5 - 6 Extension
- English 7 - 9 Extension
- English Language Arts 5 - 6 Extension
- English Language Arts 7 - 9 Extension
- English Language Arts(grades 5 - 9)
- English Language Arts(grades 7 - 12)
- English to Speakers of other Languages(all grades)
- Family and Consumer Sciences(all grades)
- General Science 5 - 6 Extension
- General Science 7 - 9 Extension
- General Science(grades 5 - 9) Extension
- General Science(grades 7 - 12) Extension
- Generalist in Middle Childhood Education(grades 5 - 9)
- Gifted Education Extension
- Health Education(all grades)
- Language other than English(specified) (grades 5 - 9)
- Language other than English(specified) (grades 7 - 12)
- Language other than English(specified)(grades 1 - 6) Extension
- Library Media Specialist(all grades)
- Literacy(birth - grade 6)
- Literacy(grades 5 - 12)
- Mathematics 5 - 6 Extension
- Mathematics 7 - 9 Extension
- Mathematics(grades 5 - 9)
- Mathematics(grades 7 - 12)
- Middle Childhood Education(grades 7 - 9)
- Music(all grades)
- Physical Education(all grades)
- Physics 5 - 6 Extension
- Physics 7 - 9 Extension
- Physics(grades 5 - 9)
- Physics(grades 7 - 12)
- Social Studies 5 - 6 Extension
- Social Studies 7 - 9 Extension
- Social Studies(grades 5 - 9)
- Social Studies(grades 7 - 12)
- Speech and Language Disabilities(all grades)
- Students with Disabilities(birth - grade 2)
- Students with Disabilities(grades 1 - 6)
- Students with Disabilities(grades 7 - 12)
- Technology Education(all grades)
- Theater(all grades)
- Visual Arts(all grades)